
11. Start cluster applications.
Use the cluster system's operation management view (Cluster Admin) and start the manager cluster service (cluster application).
12. Register the admin LAN subnet.
7.9 Registering ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser
This section explains how to register ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser.
Registering ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser enables server switchover integrated with Fibre Channel switch zoning using ESC and host
affinity reconfiguration on storage devices.
This operation is necessary when using server switchover (storage affinity switchover method) functions on managed servers (for Solaris)
in SAN boot environments.
ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser can be registered using the rcxadm storagemgr register command.
For details on the rcxadm storagemgr register command, refer to "5.13 rcxadm storagemgr" in the "Reference Guide (Command) VE".
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