environmental data
Measured data regarding the external environments of servers managed using Resource Orchestrator.
Measured data includes power data collected from power monitoring targets.
ESC (ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser)
Software that supports stable operation of multi-vendor storage system environments involving SAN, DAS, or NAS. Provides
configuration management, relation management, trouble management, and performance management functions to integrate storage
related resources such as ETERNUS.
The edition which provides server registration, monitoring, and visualization.
external FTP server
An FTP server used to relay network device files between the ROR manager and network devices that do not possess their own FTP
server function.
FC switch (Fibre Channel Switch)
A switch that connects Fibre Channel interfaces and storage devices.
fibre channel switch blade
A fibre channel switch mounted in the chassis of a blade server.
global zone
The actual OS that is used for a Solaris container.
A Solaris environment that has been installed on a physical server.
GLS (Global Link Services)
Fujitsu network control software that enables high availability networks through the redundancy of network transmission channels.
GSPB (Giga-LAN SAS and PCI_Box Interface Board)
A board which mounts onboard I/O for two partitions and a PCIe (PCI Express) interface for a PCI box.
GUI (Graphical User Interface)
A user interface that displays pictures and icons (pictographic characters), enabling intuitive and easily understandable operation.
HA (High Availability)
The concept of using redundant resources to prevent suspension of system operations due to single problems.
hardware initiator
A controller which issues SCSI commands to request processes.
In iSCSI configurations, NICs fit into this category.
hardware maintenance mode
In the maintenance mode of PRIMEQUEST servers, a state other than Hot System Maintenance.
HBA (Host Bus Adapter)
An adapter for connecting servers and peripheral devices.
Mainly used to refer to the FC HBAs used for connecting storage devices using Fibre Channel technology.
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