Restrictions on the EJB Service
No. Restriction Remarks Date of
18 In a specific method of the EJB application that
implements both Local and Remote interfaces, the
following API of javax.ejb.SessionContext or
javax.ejb.EntityContext is executed, it returns Null.
When this method is executed, the following methods
return Null.
[In case of STATEFUL Session Bean]
- ejbCreate
- afterBegin
- beforeCompletion
- afterCompletion
- bisiness method
- ejbRemove
[In case of STATELESS Session Bean]
- ejbCreate
- bisiness method
- ejbRemove
[In case of CMP2.0 Entity Bean]
- ejbRemove
None. Not
19 In a specific method of the EJB application that
implements both Local and Remote interfaces, when the
getEJBHome method is issued to the EJB object got by
getEJBObject of SessionContext, it returns
RemoteException. When the above method is
executed, the following methods cause an exception.
[In case of STATELESS Session Bean]
- ejbCreate
- ejbRemove
None. Not
20 When the lookup via Remote interface is done in the
EJB application that implements both Local and Remote
interfaces from the same EJB application,
java.lang.ClassCastException occurs.
See Note 1 below Not
Note 1
When the lookup via LocalHome and Home interface is done in the EJB application that implements
both Local and Remote interfaces from the same EJB application, the following works are necessary for
the EJB application development and its runtime operation.