
Notes on Portal Component
Notes on USP Use
Notes on Web USP Use
1) Processing when "Network Error:503" Occurs
If "Network Error : 503" is displayed when a Web page was added as a private client, check that the
following are specified correctly:
URL description
[Bypass the proxy server for addresses beginning with] setting at Proxy server specification
If "Network error : 503" is generated even when the above processing is performed, the Web server
may have stopped.
2) Processing when "No response from service" Occurs
The message "No response from service. Processing interrupted by timeout." may be displayed in the
Check for the following probable causes:
The server power of the connection destination server is down, etc.
Some kind of problem occurred in the communication path up to the connection destination server
Notes on Web To Host USP(S2K USP) Use
1) Notes on Server2000 USP(S2K USP) Operation
The proxy logon function cannot be used in connection to Server2000 V1.1L40 and Server2000 1.1.
Also, the proxy logon function cannot be used when the Server2000 service name and screen name
contains Japanese language characters.
Notes when Applying Portal Component Independent
Authentication to Operation Management
The password can be changed using the command. The previous password is not required. However,
the command must be called on the server where the Portal component operation control is operating,
and the Servlet must be stopped.
Modification Method
Start the command prompt on the server that runs Portal component.
(1) Stop the [PortalServer] WorkUnit.
(2) Move to "<Interstage install folder>\portalworks\bin\"
(3) Input "pwadminpasschg.bat {new password}". "{" and "}" are unnecessary.
Example: "pwadminpasschg.bat pwadmin_password"