Notes on the Servlet Service
Notes on the Servlet Service
1) Servlet Service Execution Environment
The Servlet Service execution environment is based on Tomcat4.1.2. A Servlet or JSP application that
runs on Tomcat4.1 or later may not function correctly.
2) Execution Environment of Earlier Version Servlet Service
An earlier version Servlet Service (servlet execution environment based on tomcat3.1) is not compatible
with the Microsoft Internet Information Server of Windows 2003 Server.
When the Windows 2003 Server is used, use the Interstage Application Server Web server.
3) Session Management Cookie of Servlet Service
When the Web server runs in an SSL environment, the Secure attribute is automatically added to the
session management cookie.
If the Web server runs in non-SSL (HTTP) mode while the SSL accelerator is used, the Secure attribute
is not automatically added. Use the following method to add the Secure attribute:
[V6.0 Servlet Service]
Refer to Environment Setup for Servlet Service in Chapter 12 in the Security System Guide.
[Earlier version Servlet Service]
Modify the following JServlet properties file:
Definition file name : jservlet.properties
Storage location : C:\Interstage\F3FMjs2\conf
Definition item : com.fujitsu.interstage.jservlet.session.cookie.secure.mode=auto|secure
− auto: Default value
When the Web server runs in an SSL environment, the Secure attribute is automatically added
to the session management cookie.
− secure:
Be sure to add the Secure attribute to the session management cookie.
Select this option when the Web server runs in non-SSL (HTTP) mode while the SSL
accelerator is used.
Definition example: com.fujitsu.interstage.jservlet.session.cookie.secure.mode=secure