
Set the control panel 8-pin Serial submenu item to LocalTalk.
In the Chooser, make sure that the LaserWriter 8 icon is highlighted in the left scroll
box and verify that AppleTalk is Active.
Check the LocalTalk connection by following the instructions in the section on
connecting to LocalTalk in the section on connecting to a Macintosh. Verify that all
devices are connected properly and that the network has a beginning and an end.
Make sure that all computers on the network are using the same version of the Elite
12ppm software.
If the printer is in a different zone from the computer, check the AppleTalk bridge.
Restart the printer. The printer’s control panel should indicate that the printer is
If you print to one Elite 12ppm and the page prints to a different printer on the network,
switch each printer off and then on again. Printing to a different printer can occur if two
printers occupy the same LocalTalk address.
Serial and parallel communication problems
If the Elite 12ppm does not print, there may be a problem with the setup or configuration.
Check the following:
Check the On Line status LED on the printer’s control panel; it should be solid.
Check the control panel display window for an error message.
If you are using the RS-422 serial interface, verify that the 8-pin Serial submenu item
is set to RS-422. Restart the printer. The control panel should indicate that the printer
is Ready. Also verify the RS-422 Serial submenu item settings. They should match the
settings in the Windows Settings box available from the Connect box of the Printers
control panel.
Check all connections following the instructions in the section on connecting the
printer to a PC using the parallel or serial interface.
Verify that your Windows software and/or your DOS application software is config-
ured to print to the correct port on the computer.
For DOS printing, make sure the correct MODE statements are in your
For PostScript printing, make sure that the Elite 12ppm printer driver is selected.