
Appendix C: Adding memory to your printer
You can print more complex documents and download more fonts to your printer if you
add RAM. To do this you have to open up the printer and insert a SIMM (Single Inline
Memory Module). The printer can hold up to 64 MB of RAM, in two SIMM sockets. There
is already at least one SIMM installed in the printer.
When you have installed the memory you must update the drivers in every Windows or
Macintosh computer that uses the printer.
You can add SIMMs of any size from 2 MB to 32 MB. SIMMs must be non-parity 72-pin,
70 nanoseconds or faster, non-composite, symmetrical, low-profile, 5-volt, and tin leaded.
This kind of memory is readily available from many sources, or you can order upgrade kits
direct from GCC. Use only EDO (extended data out) or FPM (fast page mode). You
cannot use DIMMs, SDRAM, or other special RAM technologies.
SIMMs do not have to be installed in pairs, nor do you have to add a SIMM of the same
size as that already installed. You can install any capacity SIMM in either socket.
Why would I need to add memory to the Elite 12ppm?
You can print virtually any 600 dpi pages with 8 MB of RAM and virtually any 1200 dpi
pages with 16 MB (if your model of the Elite 12ppm supports this resolution).
You can use up RAM by setting the printer to Auto Switch between PostScript and PCL 5.
Utilities like NEST, WebAdmin, and TCP/IP use small amounts of RAM; together with
Auto Switch, these require under 4 MB.
In addition, you’ll need printer RAM for any fonts you download. These require as much
RAM as the space they occupy on the hard drive of your computer. In general, fonts
occupy under 50K of RAM.
With an extra 8 MB of RAM or more, you’ll see minor performance improvements.
Required tools and safety precautions
You should not need any tools to add memory to your printer. However, you should guard
against static charges. Your body can easily accumulate a static charge; if you touch a
sensitive piece of circuitry, you can destroy it without realizing.