
Page Setup and Print dialog boxes (unadopted applications)
If QuickDraw GX is enabled and you are printing from an application that has not adopted
QuickDraw GX, the application will display alternate Page Setup and Print dialog boxes.
The dialog boxes will display standard page setup and print options (paper size, orienta-
tion, scaling, etc.), plus any printer-specific options (e.g., paper sizes, resolution) available
with the selected desktop printer. Note: Not all printer-specific options will be available
(e.g., AccuGray) from the alternate dialog boxes.
Note: The alternate dialog boxes may not be accessed the same way (i.e., choosing Page
Setup and Print from the File menu) in all applications. For example, in PageMaker 5.0.x.,
the alternate Page Setup and Print dialog boxes are accessed by choosing Print from the
File menu and then clicking Setup in the Print dialog box.
Page Setup dialog box
The Page Setup dialog box pictured below appears in applications that have not adopted
QuickDraw GX.
The Page Setup dialog enables you to choose:
Paper (paper size)
Reduce or Enlarge (scaling)
Pages per Sheet (n-up printing)
Options (Flip horizontal, Flip Vertical, Invert Image, and Precision Bitmap Align-
The Custom pop-up menu displays the additional paper sizes supported by the selected
desktop printer.
Note: The default paper size for GCC GX drivers is US Letter. However, it has been ob-
served that some applications will default to some other paper size.