Complex Samples Crosstabs
The Complex Samples Crosstabs procedure produces crosstabulation tables for pairs of selected
variables and displays two-way statistics. Optionally, you can request statistics by subgroups,
defined by one or more categorical variables.
Using Complex Samples Crosstabs to Measure the Relative Risk of
an Event
A company that sells magazine subscriptions traditionally sends monthly mailings to a purchased
database of names. The response rate is typically low, so you need to find a way to better
target prospective customers. One suggestion is to focus mailings on people with newspaper
subscriptions, on the assumption that people who read newspapers are more likely to subscribe to
Use the Complex Samples Crosstabs procedure to test this theory by constructing a two-by-two
table of Newspaper subscription by Response and computing the relative risk that a person with a
newspaper subscription will respond to the mailing. This information is collected in demo_cs.sav
and should be analyzed using the sampling plan file demo.csplan. For more information, see the
topic Sample Files in Appendix A in IBM SPSS Complex Samples 19.
Running the Analysis
E To run a Complex Samples Crosstabs analysis, from the menus choose:
Analyze > Complex Samples > Crosstabs...
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