Chapter 3
Analysis Preparation Wizard: Estimation Method
Figure 3-3
Analysis Preparation Wizard, Estimation Method step
This step allows you to spec
ify an estimation method for the stage.
WR (sampling with replacement). WR estimation does not include a correction for sampling from a
finite population (FPC) when estimating the variance under the complex sampling design. You
can choose to include or exclude the FPC when estimating the variance under simple random
sampling (SRS).
Choosing not to include the FPC for SRS variance estimation is recommended when the
analysis weights have been scaled so that they do not add up to the population size. The SRS
variance estimate is used in computing statistics like the design effect. WR estimation can be
specified only in the final stage of a design; the Wizard w ill not allow you to add another stage if
you select WR estimation.
Equal WOR (equal probability sampling without replacement). Equal WOR estimation includes the
finite population correction and assumes that units are sampled with equal probability. Equal
WOR can be specified in any stage of a design.
Unequal WOR (unequal probability sampling with out replacement). In addition to using the finite
population correction, Unequal WOR accounts for sampling units (usually clusters) selected with
unequal probability. This estimation method is available only in the first stage.