Chapter 19
Figure 19-11
Overall test results for estimated marginal means of gender
The overall test table reports the results of a test of all of the contrasts in the individual test table.
Its significance value of less than 0.05 confirms that there is a difference in spending among the
levels of Who shopping for.
Figure 19-12
Estimated marginal means by l evels of shopping style
This table displays the model-estimated marginal means and standard errors of Amount spent at
the factor levels of Use coupons. This table is useful for exploring the differences between the
levels of this factor. In this example, a customer who does not use coupons is expected to spe
about $319.65, and those who do use coupons are expected to spend considerably more.
Figure 19-13
Individual test results for estimated marginal means of sho ppi ng styl e
The individual tests table displays three simple contrasts, comparing the spending of customers
who do not use coupons to those who do.
Since the significance values of the tests are l ess than 0.05, you can conclude that customers
who use coupons tend to spend more than those who don’t.
Figure 19-14
Overall test results for estimated marginal means of shopping style
The overall test table reports the results of a test of all the contrasts in the individual test table. Its
significance value of less than 0.05 confirms that there is a difference in spending among the levels
of Use coupons. Note that the overall tests for Use coupons and Who shopping for are equivalent
to the tests of model effects because the hypothesized contrast values are equal to 0.