
©2004 Inova Computers GmbHPage 3-6 Doc. PD00941013.001
Table 3.05 Inova’s ICP-CM Rear I/O J2 (CPU) Integration
The rear I/O options described here do not detract from the latest PICMG 2.0 R3.0 specification.
1.) The VGA option in table 3.05 is from the chipset or mounted AGP piggyback - chipset video
should not be used in parallel with the front I/O option. Doing could cause possible damage to
the CPU board. If both front and rear VGA are required, then the AGP piggyback graphic option
should be used which may also permit different video information to be displayed.
2.) The single channel Fast Ethernet option in table 3.05 is ETH 1 on the front-panel i.e. the
dedicated Intel 82551 controller. If the rear I/O option is used then the front-panel connection
must not be used. Doing so will disrupt the communication leading to spurious results.
3.) If the mouse, keyboard, LPT or COM ports are used in rear I/O applications then they should
not be used from the front-panel. Communicating from both mouse and keyboard sources is
physically possible but is not recommended! The front panel COM port connections are disabled
If using the rear I/O COM port option.
4.) The CPU boasts a number of USB connection possibilities - one USB 2.0 is on the front-panel,
one (USB 1.1) is just behind the panel for local device connection (custom), two (USB 2.0) are
embedded within the hard disk carrier and a final USB (1.1) port is routed to the rear I/O panel.
64-bit configurations cannot have rear
I/O! Version (D) is preferred and is there-
fore the standard configuration. Transi-
tion modules connect to the backplane
and provide the physical interfaces.
Option RIO(C1) RIO(D)
VGA No Yes
Fast Ethernet Intel 82551 Intel 82551
USB 1.1 Yes Yes
PS-2 Mouse & Keyboard Keyboard Only Yes
2nd IDE Channel Yes Yes
Reset & Beeper Yes Yes
LPT1 Software Selectable Software Selectable
COM1 & COM2 Software Selectable Software Selectable
Floppy Disk (A or B) Software Selectable Software Selectable
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