©2004 Inova Computers GmbH Page 3-13Doc. PD00941013.001
3.25 J10 Hot-Swap Interface
This PCB-level interface is used for the front-panel integrated micro-switch and blue LED in ac-
cordance with the PICMG 2.1 R2.0 specifications.
3.26 SW1 Reset Button
The reset button allows the CPU to be reset in the event that it ‘hangs’ Performing a reset in this
manner is known as a ‘warm’ start as power is not removed from the peripherals (IDE etc.)
3.27 J9 CompactFlash Interface
CompactFlash™ cards are designed with flash technology, a nonvolatile storage solution that
does not require a battery to retain data indefinitely. CompactFlash storage cards are solid state,
meaning they contain no moving parts and their low power consumption means that they con-
sume only five percent the power required by small disk drives.
J9 is the standard CompactFlash interface and needs no further explanation.
3.28 Connecting the CM to the Inova ICP-HD3(-ND)
Appendix A provides more information on the ICP-HD3(-ND) and its derivatives. For the sake of
completeness however, the ICP-HD3(-ND) must only be attached / detached to / from the CM
base board without power applied i.e. with the CPU removed from the CompactPCI environment.
Since there aren’t any flat-band cables or similar, installation is remarkably simple. The whole
module plugs into the mating J12, J13 and J14 connectors.
3.29 Connecting the CM to the Inova IPB-FPE12
Appendix B provides more detailed information on the IPB-FPE12 module. However, for the sake
of completeness, the IPB-FPE12 connects directly to the ICP-HD3(-ND) module via a flex-cable.
There isn’t a direct connection possibility on the CPU base board itself.
3.30 Connecting the CM to a Slim-Line Floppy-Disk
Slim-line floppy disks connect directly to the ICP-HD3(-ND) via the standard header.