
©2004 Inova Computers GmbHPage E-4 ICP-P4/PM/CM Appendix-E
Appendix E
E1.2 J4 Interface
Communication to and from the host CPU is through J4 (refer to figure E1.20) - the AGP interface.
The video output, as discussed earlier, is hardware configured (at time of purchase) for different front
and rear panel modes - refer to table E1.00. The TFT option (J3/J5) is always present.
The J4 AGP interface on the graphic piggyback is electrically identical to AGP, but has a smaller form
factor and uses a different connector. Table E1.20 shows the pinout of this connector.
Figure E1.20 J4 on the Underside of the AGP-R7000 Piggyback