Pan position 16 digipan = 123 Indicates pan position in pixels from 0 to 1278.
Tilt position 17 digitilt = 123 Indicates tilt position in pixels from 0 to 958.
Zoom position 17 digizoom = 1.23 Indicates zoom value from 1.00 to 8.00.
Preset Posision
15 position = 19 Indi
cates preset position number after moving to
preset position
. In other cases, position = NA.
4. JVC Protocol: MPEG-4 Streaming
4.1. Basic Procedures
1) The client establishes a TCP connection to port number 80.
2) The client sends out API.
GET /api/video?encode=mpeg4 HTTP/1.1<CRLF>
Note <CRLF> denotes the line feed code (
0x0D, 0x0A
3) The camera returns HTTP response and MPEG-4 stream.
HTTP Response and MPEG-4 stream sent out by the camera are as follows.
4) When the client wants to stop current MPEG-4 transmission, the client disconnects TCP80.
The camera does not accept further API via current TCP that is used for H.264 transmission. To change
parameter, disconnect current TCP to stop the MPEG-4 transmission, connect new TCP, and send API with new
4.2. API Format
VOP of MPEG_4 (First Frame)
VOP of MPEG-4 (Second Frame)