Getting Access Interval to NTP Server
Format /api/param?network.ntp.interval
Example of Response network.ntp.interval=10&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the interval for accessing the NTP server. Unit can be gotten by "network.ntp.unit" API.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Access Interval to NTP Server
Format /api/param?network.ntp.interval=data
Example /api/param?network.ntp.interval=60
Example of Response
network.ntp.interval&202 Accepted(network.ntp.status=restart)
Interpretation Change the interval for accessing the NTP server. Unit can be set by "network.ntp.unit" API.
Specify 1-60 when the unit is min/hour, 1-31 when the unit is day. To validate the change, use
"network.ntp.status=restart" API.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Access Interval Unit of NTP
Format /api/param?network.ntp.unit
Example of Response network.ntp.unit=hour&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the unit of interval for accessing the NTP server. "min", "hour" or "day" is returned.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Access Interval Unit of SNTP
Format /api/param?network.ntp.unit=data
Example /api/param?network.ntp.unit=day
Example of Response
network.ntp.unit&202 Accepted(network.ntp.status=restart)
Interpretation Change the unit of interval for accessing the NTP server. Specify "min", "hour" or "day". To
validate the change, use "network.ntp.status=restart" API.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Time
Format /api/param?system.date
Example of Response system.date=20050614171537&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the time from the built-in clock of the camera. Time is arranged in the order of year, month,
day, hour, minute and second. Year is denoted in a 4-digit decimal number, and month, day, hour, minute and