structured JPEG. When framerate=0 is specified, Server Push is disabled even if server_push=on is specified.
2.3. Response
When API with server_push=on is successfully received.
The camera will return 200 OK. The x-vnh37_response line indicates actual parameter.
Example of VN-H137
HTTP/1.1 200 OK<CRLF>
Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=foo<CRLF>
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2012 13:32:57 GMT<CRLF>
Server: JVC VN-H137 Network Camera<CRLF>
x-vnh37_response: encode=jpeg&framerate=5.0&framesize=1920x1080&server_push=on&ptz_info=off<CRLF>
When API without server_push option is successfully received.
The camera will return 200 OK. The x-vnh37_response line indicates actual parameter.
Example of VN-H137
HTTP/1.1 200 OK<CRLF>
Connection: Keep-Alive<CRLF>
Content-Type: image/jpeg<CRLF>
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2012 14:06:07 GMT<CRLF>
Server: JVC VN-H137 Network Camera<CRLF>
x-vnh37_response: encode=jpeg&framerate=5.0&framesize=1920x1080&server_push=off&ptz_info=off<CRLF>
2.4. Restrictions
Access restriction
The camera has access restriction feature that enables to deny access from a specific IP address. If JPEG is
requested from the IP address of access restriction, the camera disconnects the TCP connection after API is sent.
Restriction by maximum bitrate of the camera.
The maximum bitrate of the camera is about 20 Mbps.
Number of clients
The maximum number of clients that can get JPEG stream depends on encode settings and requests from client.