Before Servicing
Tightening Sequence
Bolts, nuts, or screws must be tightened according to the
specified sequence to prevent case warpage or deformation
which can lead to malfunction. If the specified tightening
sequence is not indicated, tighten the fasteners alternating
Tightening Torque
Incorrect torque applied to a bolt, nut, or screw may
lead to serious damage. Tighten fasteners to the specified
torque using a good quality torque wrench. Often, the
tightening sequence is followed twice-initial tightening and
final tightening with torque wrench.
excessive force can cause expensive or hard to repair dam-
age. When necessary, remove screws that have a non
-permanent locking agent applied using an impact driver.
Use a plastic-faced mallet whenever tapping is necessary.
Gasket, O-ring
Hardening, shrinkage, or damage of both gaskets
and O-rings after disassembly can reduce sealing per-
formance. Remove old gaskets and clean the sealing
surfaces thoroughly so that no gasket material or other
material remains. Install new gaskets and replace used
O-rings when re-assembling
Liquid Gasket, Locking Agent
For applications that require Liquid Gasket or a Locking
agent, clean the surfaces so that no oil residue remains be-
fore applying liquid gasket or locking agent. Do not apply
them excessively. Excessive application can clog oil pas-
sages and cause serious damage.