Crankcase Splitting
Crankcase Splitting
Remove the engine (see Engine Removal/Installation
Set the engine on a clean surface and hold the engine
steady while parts are being removed.
Crankshaft Sensor (see Electrical System chapter)
Clutch (see Clutch chapter)
External Shift Mechanism (see External Shift Mecha-
nism Removal)
Starter Motor (see Electrical System chapter)
Oil Pump (see Engine Lubrication System chapter)
Alternator Rotor (see Electrical System chapter)
Oil Filter (see Engine Lubrication System chapter)
If the crankshaft is to be r emoved, remove the pistons
(see Engine Top End chapter).
Remove the upper crankcase bolts.
First loosen the M6 bolts.
M6 Bolts [A]
M7 Bolts [B]
M8 Bolts [C]
Remove the oil pan, relief valve, oil screen and oil pipes
(see Engine Lubrication System chapter).
Remove the lower crankcase bolts.
First loosen the M7 bolts.
M7 Bolts [A]
M9 Bolts [B]
Tap lightly around the crankcase mating surface with a
plastic m allet, and split the crankcase. Take care not to
damage the crankcase.
Crankcase Assem bly
The upper and lower crankcase halves are ma-
chined at the factory in the assembled state, so the
crankcase halves must be replaced as a set.
With a high-flash point solvent, clean off the mating sur-
faces of the crankcases halves and wipe dry.
Using compressed air, blow out the oil passages in the
crankcase halves.