Sprocket, Coupling
Rear Sprocket Removal
Remove the rear wheel (see Wheels/Tires chapter).
Do not lay the wheel on the ground with the disc
facing down. This can damage or warp the disc.
Place blocks under the wheel so that the disc does
not touch the ground.
Remove the rear sprocket nuts [A].
Remove the rear sprocket [B].
Rear Sprocket Installation
Install the sprocket facing the tooth number marking [A]
Tighten the rear sprocket nuts.
Torque - Rear Sprocket Nuts: 59 N·m (6.0 kgf·m, 43 ft·lb)
Install the rear wheel (see Wheels/Tires chapter).
Coupling Bearing Removal
Grease Seal
Circlip [A]
Remove the bearing [A] by tapping from the wheel side.
Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set: 57001–1129 [B]
Coupling B earing Installation
Replace the bearing with a new one.
Press in the bearing [A] until it is bottomed.
Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set: 57001–1129 [B]
Pack the bearing with high temperature grease.
Replace the circlip with a new one.