A-61504 April 2007 3-31
• Space: adds a space.
• Message: allows you to specify custom text to be included in your
print string. A maximum of 20 characters is allowed. You can have up
to 6 unique messages.
NOTE: To view the Japanese characters correctly you must get the
MS Gothic font set by installing the Microsoft Global IME 5.01
for Japanese - with Language Pack, English Language
Version which can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/
Template: Example — shows a sample of what the print string will look
like. As you select items in the Format list, the corresponding portion
within the example will be highlighted.
Font — you can select what orientation you want your information to be
• Style: available character styles are: Normal and Bold.
• Orientation: while the characters are printed vertically (starting at the
lead edge of the document) this allows you to select the orientation of
the print string. Available options are: 0, 90, 180, 270.
Offset from lead edge — select a value from 0.35 to 33.5 inches to
determine how far the printed information will appear from the leading
edge of the document.
• Printing automatically stops 6.3 mm (1/4-inch) from the trailing edge
of the document even if the information has not been completely
• The horizontal print position is set manually on the scanner. See
Chapter 4, The Enhanced Printer, in the User’s Guide for information
on changing the horizontal print position.
Feed Direction 0 90 180 270