A-61504 April 2007 2-3
Enable scanning The host must issue a Scan command to enable scanning before
documents can be transported through the scanner. If scanning has not
been enabled, the feeder and transport system will not turn on.
Initiate polling Initiate host system polling of the scanner to ensure scanned document
images are transferred from the image buffer to the host system.
Polling should continue until scanning is disabled.
For more information see the sections entitled, “Controlling image
transfer order” and “Image header information” later in this chapter.
Feed documents Feed documents according to the instructions found in the Kodak i600
Series Scanners User’s Guide.
Disable scanning Scanning is disabled to allow the host to download configuration/setup
changes between jobs and to handle certain types of errors.
Scanning is also disabled when one of the following conditions occur:
• The scanner is first powered on using the power switch.
• A 1394 bus device Reset command is executed.
• A scanner unique End-of-Job command is issued by the host
• Transport timeout is set to End-of-Job.
• An error occurs requiring fault recovery.
NOTE: When scanning is disabled, documents cannot be scanned until
the host enables scanning.
Error handling The scanner recognizes and reports a variety of error conditions.
Some errors are reported to the host (via the 1394 interface) or via the
LEDs on the scanner while others are reported to both the host and the
An error (via the 1394 interface) is defined as either a current or
deferred error.
A current error results from a problem in processing the current scanner
command. This can include sending an invalid command, trying to read
from an empty image buffer, or an end-of-job condition. Since one or
more errors may be pending at any time, current errors are reported
A deferred error results from an error condition within the scanner, such
as a document jam. Deferred errors are reported after current errors.
NOTE: Low-level 1394 commands and information are handled by the
device driver. The following information is provided for reference