A-61504 April 2007 4-17
Imprinter tab The Enhanced Printer provides a vertical print capability that is
programmed to support alphanumeric characters as defined by the
host. It supports date, time, document count and custom messages. All
print information is captured in a document header record. These
printer controls and functions are accessed via the Imprinter tab.
• Do not print: disables the options on the Imprinter tab.
• Print on the front of document before scanning: enables the
options on the Imprinter tab.
Defining your print string Format Template — the format template is used to build the print
string. The print string is what is printed on documents as they travel
through the transport. The print string is printed before the document is
scanned, therefore, it is part of the image. The maximum amount of
characters for each print string is 40 characters (including spaces).
Date — if you want to add a date to the print string, select one of the
following formats:
• Delimiter: select one of the following separators: Slash: /,
Hyphen: -, Period: . , Blank or none. For example: 08/24/2006,
08-24-2006, 08.24.2006 or 08 24 2006 or 08242006 (none).