Page Number - 15
NOTES: 1. Included in 988753 Cylinder Tube Soft Parts
Kit for Part No. 988528 (6" Airmotor).
2. Included in 988752 Cylinder Tube Soft Parts
Kit for Part No. 988526 (4¼" Airmotor).
3. Included in 988751 Soft Parts Kit for Power
Valve Subassembly.
4. Included in 988746 Soft Parts Kit for Pump
Stop Subassembly.
5. Included in AC273427 Gasket and Air Filter
Kit Item 89.
Description Qty.
Part No.
(6" Dia.)
Part No.
(4¼" Dia)
Part No.
(6" Dia.)
Part No.
(4¼" Dia)
1 U-Cup (Buna-N) 1 (Note #1) (Note #2) 35 O-ring (Buna-N) 2 (Note #4) (Note #4)
2 Rod Bearing 1 AC241732 AC241733 36 Adapter 1 ------ AC241789
3 Seal, Cylinder (Buna-N) 2 (Note #1) (Note #2) 37 Screw (¼-20 x 2¼") 4 AC244975 AC244975
4 O-ring (Buna-N) 2 (Note #1) (Note #2) 38 Coupler 1 AC655012 AC655008
5 Piston Rod Assembly 1 AC241741 AC241742 39 Screw 2 AC50816 AC50816
6 Cylinder Tube 1 AC241745 AC241746 40 Air Filter 2 (Note #5) (Note #5)
7 Air Tube 1 AC241748 AC241749 41 Tie Rod 4 AC241023 AC241023
8 Upper Casting 1 AC241751 AC241752 42 Nut (½-20) 4 AC236203 AC236203
9 Bumper, Valve 2 (Note #3) (Note #3) 43 Muffler 1 AC273507 AC273507
10 Cap, Valve 1 AC241755 AC241755 44 Nipple 1 AC653112 AC653112
11 O-ring (Buna-N) 2 (Note #3) (Note #3) 45 Elbow 1 AC67062 AC67062
12 Body, Valve 1 (Note #10) (Note #10) 46 Not Used
13 Spool, Valve 1 (Note #10) (Note #10) 47 Not Used
14 Cap, Valve 1 AC241760 AC241761 48 Trip Indicator 1 AC243852 AC243852
15 Gasket 1 (Note #3) (Note #3) 49 O-ring (Buna-N) 4 (Note #4) (Note #4)
16 O-ring (Buna-N) 2 (Note #3) (Note #3) 50 Upper Body 1 AC243855 AC243855
17 Relay Valve 1 AC242787 AC242787 51 Upper Gasket (Nitrile) 1 (Note #5) (Note #5)
18 O-ring (Buna-N) 3 (Note #4) (Note #4) 52 Gasket Plate 1 (Note #7) (Note #7)
19 O-ring (Buna-N) 1 (Note #4) (Note #4) 53 Lower Gasket (Nitrile) 1 (Note #5) (Note #5)
20 Air Signal Valve 2 AC241768 AC241768 54 Lower Body 1 N/A N/A
21 O-ring Piston(Buna-N) 1 (Note #1) ------ 55 Piston 1 (Note #8) (Note #8)
22 Lower Casting 1 AC241774 AC241775 56 Pump Sleeve 1 (Note #8) (Note #8)
23 Screw (¼-20 x 1½") 4 AC50051 AC50051 57 Diaphragm Retainer 1 (Note #9) (Note #9)
24 Screw (¼-20 x 7/8") 4 AC50850 AC50850 58 Diaphragm 1 (Note #9) (Note #9)
25 Tie Rod 4 AC241779 AC241767 59 Spring 1 (Note #9) (Note #9)
26 Nut 4 AC51007 AC51001 60 Stop Valve Assembly 1 (Note #9) (Note #9)
27 Screw 2 AC244995 AC244995 61 Diaphragm Seal 1 (Note #9) (Note #9)
28 Gasket 1 AC241024 AC241024 62 O-ring (Buna-N) 1 (Note #8) (Note #8)
29 Muffler Adapter 1 AC84722 AC84722 63 Umbrella Seal (Nitrile) 2 (Note #7 & 8) (Note #7 & 8)
30 Screw (1/4-20 x 1-1/4") 2 AC50553 AC50553 64 Quad Ring (Buna-N) 1 (Note #8) (Note #8)
31 Signal Valve Cap Kit 2 AC243853 AC243853 65 Quad Ring (Buna-N) 1 (Note #8) (Note #8)
32 Screw (8-32 x 5/8) 4 (Note #6) (Note #6) 66 Spring Pin 2 AC243614 AC243614
33 Seal, Piston 2 ------ (Note #2) 67 Bleed Assembly 1 AC243854 AC243854
34 Screw 2 AC241783 AC244994
6. Included in AC243853 Signal Valve Cap Kit
Item 31.
7. Included in AC244093 Gasket Plate with
Check Valves Item 90.
8. Included in AC244092 Air Pump Repair Kit
Item 92.
9. Included in AC244091 Stop Valve Repair Kit
Item 91.
10. Included in 988750 Power Valve & Spool