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Airmotor is not operating, air is Inadequate air supply to airmotor. Check air supply and adjust to minimum
coming from exhaust. recommended level. Check air supply hose and piping for
minimum recommended size. Ensure that FRL and
quick disconnect couplings meet or exceed the
minimum specified sizes and do not restrict airflow to the
Erratic or accelerated operation Dirty or damaged Relay Valve (Item 17) Check valves and clean if necessary.
with short stroking. Airmotor or Air Signal Valve (Item 20) or stop valve Replace any damaged seals or worn parts.
hesitates on up or down stroke. assembly (Item 60).
Pump Cavitation Check Fluid Level. Ensure that pump inlet is not blocked
or restricted or is large enough to handle flow into
pump inlet.
Pump Stop trips off even though Dirty or blocked labyrinth plate or components. Clean or replace labyrinth components. Check for grease
airmotor is operating below set or oil blocking air passages in labyrinth subassembly.
trip speed. (Trips after three or (A blocked labyrinth may be confirmed (in quiet locations)
more strokes.) by turning the selector knob to the RUN mode setting
immediately after the airmotor has stopped. If a sudden
rush of air escaping is heard, the labyrinth is either blocked
installed incorrectly).
Grease or dirt on balls (item 81) in labyrinth cover Clean balls and labyrinth cover with solvent. Coat with
(Item 78). very light film of light grease to hole balls in cover.
Pump Stop trips even though Leaking Diaphragm (Item 58). Replace Diaphragm.
airmotor is operating below set Leaking Upper Gasket (Item 51). Replace Upper & Lower Gaskets (Items 51 & 53).
trip speed (within three Upper Piston Quad Ring (Item 64) is leaking. Replace Quad Ring.
strokes). Laminated labyrinth plate (item 77) is installed Observe the laminated labyrinth plate and find single hole
incorrectly. on item 76 and align with hole on Item 75.
Pump Stop trips at proper speed Stop Valve vent hole in Lower Body (Item Unclog vent hole in lower body.
(as indicated by the sound of air 54) is clogged or blocked. (See Illustration 7)
surging into the diaphragm Stop valve (Item 60) is damaged. Check stop valve and replace if worn or
chamber), but airmotor does not damaged.
stop, indicator pin does not Diaphragm seal is damaged, worn, deformed Replace damaged or worn diaphragm seal,or reinstall
pop out. or improperly installed. if good into diaphragm (item 58) with twisting action
to fully seat in mating hole.
Inadequate air supply to airmotor. See above for checking air supply. Ensure that air
regulator is set to air pressure at or greater than the
minimum recommended air pressure for the airmotor
Pump Stop will not trip even Discharge Umbrella Valve (Item 63) is damaged Replace both umbrella valves.
though airmotor has been or worn.
running above the trip speed for Diaphragm seal is damaged, worn deformed or Replace damaged or worn diaphragm seal, or reinstall
more than 1 minute. improperly installed. if good into diaphragm (item 58) with twisting action
to fully seat in mating hole.
Leaking Upper Gasket (Item 51) or Lower Replace gaskets (items 51 & 53)
Gasket (Item 53).
Stuck Metering Pump Piston (Item 55). Install air pump repair kit, replacing items 55, 56, 63, 64 & 65.
Inlet Air Filter (Item 40) is completely or Clean or replace inlet air filter.
partially clogged.