
Programming Manual - Basic & Applied Instruction Edition
2 Overview (Sequence Program)
2.2 Introduction of Applied Instructions
3. Arithmetic and logical operations
Addition (ADD/FNC 20)
Subtraction (SUB/FNC 21)
Multiplication (MUL/FNC 22)
Division (DIV/FNC 23)
Increment (INC/FNC 24)
Square root (SQR/FNC 48)
Trigonometry (FNC130 to FNC135)
Conversion from/to floating point
(FNC 49, FNC118, FNC119 and FNC129)
Floating point arithmetic operations
(FNC120 to FNC123)
Floating point square root (ESQR/FNC127)
Refer to Chapter 10, Chapter 12 and
Chapter 18.
4. Rotation and shift operation
Rotation right (ROR/FNC 30)
Rotation left (ROL/FNC 31)
Rotation right with carry (RCR/FNC 32)
Rotation left with carry (RCL/FNC 33)
Bit shift right (SFTR/FNC 34)
Bit shift left (SFTL/FNC 35)
Word shift right (WSFR/FNC 36)
Word shift left (WSFL/FNC 37)
Refer to Chapter 11.
5. Data operation
Zone reset (ZRST/FNC 40)
Decode (DECO/FNC 41)
Encode (ENCO/FNC 42)
Sum of active bits (SUM/FNC 43)
Mean (MEAN/FNC 45)
Word to byte (WTOB/FNC141) and byte to word
4-bit linking/grouping of word data
(FNC143 and FNC144)
Limit control (LIMIT/FNC256)
Dead band control (BAND/FNC257)
Zone control (ZONE/FNC258)
Block data operation (FNC192 to FNC199)
Character string control (FNC200 to FNC209)
Refer to Chapter 12, Chapter 19, Chapter 25,
Chapter 26 and Chapter 29.
6. High-speed processing
Refresh (REF/FNC 50)
Refresh and filter adjust (REFF/FNC 51)
Speed detection (SPD/FNC 56)
Pulse Y output (PLSY/FNC 57)
Pulse ramp (PLSR/FNC 59)
Refer to Chapter 13.
7. Handy instructions and instructions for
external devices
Initial state (IST/FNC 60)
Teaching timer (TTMR/FNC 64)
Alternate state (ALT/FNC 66)
Ramp variable value (RAMP/FNC 67)
Rotary table control (ROTC/FNC 68)
Ten-key input (TKY/FNC 70)
Digital switch (thumbwheel input) (DSW/FNC 72)
Seven-segment decoder (SEGD/FNC 73)
Seven-segment with latch (SEGL/FNC 74)
ASCII code data input (ASC/FNC 76)
BFM Read, BFM Write (FNC 78, FNC 79,
FNC278, and FNC279)
Serial communication (FNC 80 and FNC 87)
Analog volume (FNC 85 and FNC 86)
Inverter communication (FNC270 to FNC275)
MODBUS communication (ADPRW/FNC276)
Hexadecimal to ASCII conversion (ASCI/FNC 82)
ASCII to hexadecimal conversion (HEX/FNC 83)
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC/FNC188)
Random number generation (RND/FNC184)
Real time clock control (FNC160 to FNC167)
Hour meter (HOUR/FNC 169)
Timing pulse generation (DUTY/FNC186)
Logging R and ER (LOGR/FNC293)
Refer to Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16,
Chapter 21, Chapter 24, Chapter 30,
Chapter 31 and Chapter 33.
8. Complicated control
Search a data stack (SER/FNC 61)
Sort tabulated data (FNC 69 and FNC149)
PID control loop (PID/FNC 88)
Refer to Chapter 14, Chapter 16 and
Chapter 19.
9. Positioning control
Dog search zero return (DSZR/FNC150)
Interrupt positioning (DVIT/FNC151)
Batch data positioning mode (TBL/FNC152)
Absolute present value read (ABS/FNC155)
Zero return (ZRN/FNC156)
Variable speed pulse output (PLSV/FNC157)
Drive to increment (DRVI/FNC158)
Drive to absolute (DRVA/FNC159)
Refer to Chapter 20.
Refer to the Positioning Control Manual.