Programming Manual - Basic & Applied Instruction Edition
B Instruction Execution Time
B-1 Basic Instruction Execution Time
*1. M1536 to M3583, M8256 to M8511, S1024 to S4095
*2. M1536 to M3583, M8000 to M8511
*3. M3584 to M7679
Output instructions
OUT T D 2.77 2.54
T246 to T319
3.06 µs in execution in ON status
2.41 µs in execution in OFF status
OUT C K 1.9 2.25 1.57 1.72
C235 to C255
1.6 µs in execution in ON status
1.06 µs in execution in OFF status
OUT C D 2.26 2.49 1.93 2.35
C235 to C255
2.21 µs in execution in ON status
1.06 µs in execution in OFF status
SET Y,M 0.23
1.25 µs in 2-step instruction
1.25 µs in 3-step instruction
SET S 1.23 or 1.33 + 0.51n 0.59
n: Number of recombination
1.23 µs when there is no recombination
RST Y,M 0.23
1.22 µs in 2-step instruction
1.22 µs in 3-step instruction
RST S 1.17 0.59
RST T 1.68 1.21
RST C 1.68 1.82 1.18 1.19
RST D 1.08 0.54
PLS Y,M 1.52 1.56 µs in M3584 to M7679
PLF Y,M 1.52 1.56 µs in M3584 to M7679
Master control instructions
MC 1.63 1.76
MCR 1.3 ⎯
Other instruction
NOP 0.21
End instruction
END 292 + 2.5X + 3.75Y ⎯
Even if FEND and END are used
together, execution time of only END is
X: Number of input points
Y: Number of output points
Execution time in ON status (µs) Execution time in OFF status (µs)
16-bit instruction 32-bit instruction 16-bit instruction 32-bit instruction