VPort 2310 User’s Manual System Configuration
Root password
To change the administrator’s password, type the new password in both the Root password box
and Confirm password box. The passwords you enter will be displayed in asterisks for security
reasons. The maximum string length for a password is 14 characters. After clicking on Save to
validate the new password, a window will open to ask the administrator for the new password to
access the VPort.
Add user
To add a new user, type the new user’s name in the Username box, the password in the User
password box, and select authorization level by checking I/O access or Camera control. Click on
Add to insert the entry. The VPort 2310 Video Server has a total of 20 user accounts. Each user
can be given an independent access right to the external I/O and camera control.
Manage user
If the access rights of some users need to be changed, find the user name from the drop down list
and click on Edit. A new window will appear for the administrator to change the password and
select a different authorization. Administrators can also delete the selected user by clicking on
Delete. A message window will open next to confirm.
VPort 2310 Video Server provides a demonstration mode to allow general access for
demonstration purposes. To set up the demonstration mode, administrators must choose the
services to be permitted. If administrators select the view option, users may use demo as the
username to access the VPort. In this case, leave the password field blank. Administrators can also