VPort 2310 User’s Manual Upgrading System Firmware
The power supply of VPort 2310 Video Server should not be turned off when the Upgrade
Wizard is upgrading the firmware. Otherwise, the firmware upgrade will fail, and you will need
to return the video server to Moxa for repair.
Using FTP to Upgrade Firmware
Step 1: Use the FTP program and change the working directory to the local folder where
FLASH.BIN resides.
Step 2: Connect to Video Server with user name “root” and password.
Step 3: Use the PUT command to upload FLASH.BIN to the Video Server. The file size is almost
1.5 MB. It will take approximately 2 seconds over a local network, but the actual time
will depend on the status of the user’s network.
Step 4: After the upload is complete, close the connection.
If the received FLASH.BIN is checked without error, the Video Server will update the software to
the Flash memory and restart automatically. When the Video Server starts writing the firmware,
both status LED indicators will remain lit until the system restarts (this takes about 30 to 40
seconds). You must keep the power stable during the update process. After the system restarts, the
Video Server may need to be re-installed, depending on whether the Reset network at next boot
option is enabled or not. After the Video Server boots up, reload the web page in the browser.
We strongly recommend that you use the upgrade wizard to upgrade the firmware for a
Microsoft Operating System, since if the power fails during the software upgrade, the program in
the memory of Video Server may be destroyed permanently. If Video Server cannot restart
properly, ask the dealer for technical service.
For customizing your VPort’s settings, we strongly recommend that you download config.ini via
FTP before you upgrade the firmware. The risk is that once the firmware has been upgraded, the
settings in config.ini might be restored to the initial settings. For this reason, after the firmware is
upgraded, you need to upload the config.ini and overwrite the one existing in your VPort. By
doing this, you won’t need to re-configure your VPort’s.