
VPort 2310 User’s Manual System Configuration
Current Language, read-only
0 read-only
<NTP Update Interval>
0 0-Hourly, 1-daily, 2-weekly, 3-monthly
<font color> 0-black, 1-white, 2-green, 3-maroon, 4-
1 olive, 5-navy, 6-purple, 7-gray, 8-yellow,
<background color> 9-lime, 10-aqua, 11-fuchsia, 12-silver,
0 13-red, 14-blue, 15-teal,
<logo type>
1 default image, or 0 for blank, or 2 from URL
<background type>
1 default image, or 0 for blank, or 2 from URL
<logo source>
http:// URL of logo type 2, maximum of 80 characters
<background source>
http:// URL of logo type 2, maximum of 80 characters
<logo link>
http:// reference link of logo, max. of 80 characters
<com speedlink name> Name of custom PTZ commands
(0) string with maximum of 8 characters
(1) string with maximum of 8 characters
(2) string with maximum of 8 characters
(3) string with maximum of 8 characters
(4) string with maximum of 8 characters
<install enabled>
YES reset IP whenever system boots or NO
<ppp enabled>
YES obsolete
<ethernet address>
00-02-D1-00-56-89 read-only
<host ip> standard IP format