Closest-Subject Priority
Closest-subject priority is available when dynamic AF is selected. When this option
is in effect, the camera assesses the distance to the subjects in each of the five focus
areas and selects the area containing the subject closest to the camera. It then tracks
this subject as it moves from one focus area to the next. As a result the camera
maintains focus on the target through to the time when the shutter-release button is
pressed. Note that when the subject is poorly lit or a telephoto lens is used, the
camera may fail to select the focus area containing the subject closest to the camera.
Single-area AF is recommended in these cases.
When closest-subject priority is in effect, no focus-area indicators are shown in the
viewfinder or in the control panel on top of the camera.
Advanced Options for Dynamic AF
If desired, closest-subject priority can be deactivated when using dynamic AF with single-servo
autofocus, allowing the multi selector to be used to select the focus area. Closest-subject
priority can be activated when using dynamic AF with continuous-servo autofocus, causing the
camera to re-focus on the closest subject should it lose track of the original subject. These
options are only recommended for advanced users who have made the necessary prepara-
tions to allow them to take advantage of these combinations.
9—Dynamic AF, Single-Servo ( pg. 165)
In single-servo autofocus, the default setting for dynamic AF is closest-subject priority on. To
turn it off, use Custom Setting 9.
10—Dynamic AF, Continuous-Servo ( pg. 165)
In continuous-servo autofocus, the default setting for dynamic AF is closest-subject priority off.
To turn it on, use Custom Setting 10.
For more information on:
pg. 116 The Assign FUNC sub-menu
AF-Area Mode (continued)