Getting Good Results with Autofocus
Autofocus does not perform well under the conditions listed below. In these cases
you can focus manually (
pg. 81) or use autofocus as detailed below.
The subject is poorly lit
Use a Speedlight with an AF-assist illuminator, such as the
SB-28DX or SB-50DX (available separately) and select the
center focus area.
The focus area contains regions of sharply differing brightness
The camera may not be able to focus using autofocus when,
for example, the subject is half in the shade. Use manual
focus (
pg. 81).
The subject is dominated by regular geometrical patterns
Regular geometrical patterns—for example, a row of win-
dows in a skyscraper—can interfere with autofocus. Use
manual focus (
pg. 81).
The focus area contains objects at different distances from
the camera
For example, autofocus may not perform well when the
subject is inside a cage. Use focus lock (
pg. 78) to focus
on another subject at the same distance and then recom-
pose your photograph.
There is little or no contrast between the subject and the back-
Lack of contrast—for example, a subject that is the same
color as the background—can interfere with autofocus. Use
focus lock (
pg. 78) to focus on another subject at the
same distance and then recompose your photograph.