26 Liberty Identity Provider for Novell eDirectory
Novell Confidential 03createidp.fm last saved 4/14/03 Manual Version: 3/17/03103
Figure 19 Affiliate Service Providers Page
2 The Affiliate Service Providers table lists the SPs you have defined and whether they are
enabled, and whether the information you have provided for them is complete. (Complete in
this case means all the required fields were filled in, not that the information is necessarily
If you want to delete, enable, or disable an SP in the list, select the check box next to that SP,
then click Delete, Enable, or Disable according to your preference.
3 You can choose to enter new SP information manually by clicking the New Affiliate Service
Provider link, or you can import an SP definition by clicking the Import Affiliate Service
Provider Definition link. We recommend that you import definitions from another service
provider. Click Import Affiliate Server Provider Definition.
Figure 20 Import Affiliate Service Provider Definition