
Modifying Apache 39
Manual (99a) 3/17/03103Novell Confidential 06appb.fm last saved 4/14/03
B Modifying Apache
This appendix provides information on the following topics:
Modifying the Apache Configuration Files
Importing Trusted Roots
Modifying the Apache Configuration Files
1 Go to your Apache httpd.conf file, located in your Apache directory. (The default location is
C:\Program Files\Apache\conf\httpd.conf.)
2 Comment out the line that says, "include "C:/Program Files/Novell/Tomcat/conf/liberty/
liberty_jk.conf" at the end of the file by putting a number sign (#) in front of it.
3 Go to your Tomcat liberty_jk.conf file (the default location is C:\Program
Files\Novell\Tomcat\conf\liberty\liberty_jk.conf.) and copy the following:
################## <idpIPaddress>:/nidp #################
# Static files
Alias /nidp "C:/Program Files/Novell/Tomcat/webapps/nidp"
<Directory "C:/Program Files/Novell/Tomcat/webapps/nidp">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
# Deny direct access to WEB-INF and META-INF
<Location "/nidp/WEB-INF/*">
AllowOverride None
deny from all
<Location "/nidp/META-INF/*">
AllowOverride None
deny from all
# Use Directory too. On Windows, Location doesn't work unless case
<Directory "C:/Program Files/Novell/Tomcat/webapps/nidp/WEB-INF/">
AllowOverride None
deny from all
<Directory "C:/Program Files/Novell/Tomcat/webapps/nidp/META-INF/">
AllowOverride None
deny from all