
Troubleshooting Your Liberty IDP Installation and Configuration 45
Manual 3/17/03103Novell Confidential 07appc.fm last saved 4/14/03
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.DelegatingListener.handleDirective <and so on>
Tomcat's error logs are excellent resources for troubleshooting these types of errors. The logs
provide additional information from Tomcat and the JavaSDK that is not provided in the results
that are returned to the Web browser window. If you explore the \Tomcat\logs\ directory on your
system, you see four files by default (after adding the Liberty applications, you will see more,
which are referenced separately below):
You should start troubleshooting these files by reviewing the stderr.txt and stdout.txt files, where
errors from the Java Virtual Machine are logged.
NOTE: You must stop Tomcat before you can open the log files with WordPad. If Tomcat is running, it is
possible to open the log files with NotePad, since NotePad does not check to see if the opened file is in use.
However, do not save the file to itself, as this will overwrite any new information added to the log file since you
opened it.
If you do not locate an error listed in these files, proceed to the other logs. All the logs are text files,
so you can view them with Notepad or Wordpad.
IMPORTANT: The log files will be rotated daily as you use Tomcat. You might want to occasionally delete the
old logs to free up space on your system. You might also want to delete the logs as you try to troubleshoot
errors in the Liberty applications, since new errors are easier to find in a fresh log file.
If Tomcat successfully loads, you should see no errors, as shown in the following messages:
Bootstrap: Create Catalina server
Bootstrap: Starting service
Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
Apache Tomcat/4.1.18
Novell JClient 1.1.1114-1.1.1114. Copyright 1999 Novell Inc. All Rights
Bootstrap: Service started
2. iManager_eMFrame_log.<date>: This log file, located by default at C:\Program
Files\Novell\Tomcat\logs\iManager_eMFrame_log.<date>, generates a list of events that occur
when the iManager application is being initialized. There should be no exceptions reported in this
file. A successful initialization would normally result in the following entry at the end of the file:
2003-04-03 14:31:40 StandardManager[/eMFrame]: Seeding random number
generator class java.security.SecureRandom
2003-04-03 14:31:42 StandardManager[/eMFrame]: Seeding of random number
generator has been completed
2003-04-03 14:31:42 StandardWrapper[/eMFrame:default]: Loading container
servlet default
2003-04-03 14:31:42 StandardWrapper[/eMFrame:invoker]: Loading container
servlet invoker
3. iManager_log.<date>: This log file, located by default at C:\Program
Files\Novell\Tomcat\logs\iManager_log.<date>, describes the state of all Web-based applications
during the Tomcat initialization. You will see eMFrame and NIDP contexts being referenced here.