ML720/721 Printer Handbook 109
Installing the Serial Interface
Handle the interface board with care to avoid damaging its components.
The components can also be damaged by static discharges. We recommend that you
leave the board in its protective packaging until you’ve read these instructions and
are ready to install it. Make sure the printer is unplugged before you install the board.
2. Holding board by cable connector, with
components facing away from parallel
interface, gently slide it into opening
against guides at top and bottom. Press
firmly into place.
Parallel port
side of board
1. Remove plastic covering over opening
for serial board in back panel:.
– insert tip of flat-blade screwdriver at
top and twist it to snap plastic mold-
ing holding cover in place.
– repeat procedure for molding at bot-
tom of cover
– press inward on cover with your fin-
gers and bend it back and forth until
it snaps off.