ML720/721 Printer Handbook 75
Bottom Margin. Valid (factory default) or Invalid. Sets whether or not the printer will
ignore the bottom margin setting. Change the setting to Invalid if you want printer to
ignore the bottom margin setting. Be careful if you use this feature: it lets the printer
continue printing when there’s no more paper, which can cause loss of data and may
damage the printhead.
Busy Line. Appears only if optional Serial Interface is installed. SSD- (factory de-
fault), SSD+, DTR, RTS. If Ready / Busy protocol (factory default) is selected, you can
choose which line your system monitors for a busy signal:
SSD -9V, select SSD-
SSD +9V, select SSD+
DTR -9V, select DTR
RTS -9V, select RTS
Busy Time. Appears only if optional Serial Interface is installed. 200 ms (factory de-
fault) or 1 sec.
Sets the length of the busy signal when the Ready / Busy protocol (factory default) is engaged.
Centering Position. Used to limit printhead travel when printing narrow columns.
Select Mode 1 for Model ML720; Select Mode 1 or Mode 2 for Model ML721.
Character Set. Choose IBM Set I (factory default) or IBM Set II. (EPSON, IBM mode)
Choose Standard, Line Graphics. (ML mode)
Code Page. Choose USA (factory default), Canada French, Multilingual, Portugal,
Norway BRASCII, Abicomp.
CSF Bin Select. Appears only if optional Dual-Bin Cut Sheet Feeder is installed. Choose
Bin 1 (factory default) or Bin 2.
CSF Type. Select Wide (default) or Narrow for CSF type.
Diagnostic Test. Appears only if optional Serial Interface is installed. No (factory de-
fault) or Yes. Select Yes if you want to perform a diagnostic test of the serial interface.
DRAFT Mode. Choose HSD or SSD for DRAFT font.
The selected font becomes effective when “DRAFT” is selected at the
Print Mode selection.