ML720/721 Printer Handbook 79
Serial Data 7/8 Bits. Appears only if optional Serial Interface is installed. 8 Bits (fac-
tory default) or 7 Bits. Change to 7 bits if your system uses a 7-bit data format.
SI Select Pitch (10 CPI). IBM mode only. 17.1 CPI (factory default) or 15 CPI. Sets
what pitch (17.1 or 15 characters per inch) will be engaged when the printer control
panel is set for 10 cpi and the SI command is received.
SI Select Pitch (12 CPI). IBM mode only. 20 CPI (factory default) or 12 CPI. Sets what
pitch (20 or 12 characters per inch) will be engaged when the printer control panel is
set for 12 cpi and the SI command is received.
Size. Choose Single (factory default) or Double width and height printing.
Skip Over Perforation. No (factory default) or Yes. Change to Yes if you want the
printer to advance automatically to the next page when it comes within one inch of
the bottom of the page. If your software has its own page formatting controls, keep
this item set to No to avoid interface.
Style. Choose Normal (factory default) or Italics.
Time Out Print. Valid (factory default) or Invalid. When printing, if the printer doesn’t
receive any data, a line feed, or a form feed signal for awhile, it will automatically
dump out what’s in the print buffer. If your software spends a long time prossing
between feeding portions of data to the printer, you should change the setting to In-
valid to keep your printer from inadvertently dumping the received data while it’s
waiting for more.
Wait Time. 500 ms, 1 sec (factory default), or 2 sec. Sets the amount of the printer will
wait for more data before jumping from the print position up to the form tear off
Zero Character. Slashed (factory default) or Unslashed. The factory default will cause
a slash to appear in zeros to distinguish them from the capital letter O. To disengage
the slashed zero, change this to Unslashed.