The control unit’s control method for heating
The control unit controls heating production based on an outdoor sensor or
an outdoor sensor in combination with a room sensor.
Control with an outdoor sensor
Control with an outdoor sensor is the most common method used by the
control unit to control the heat pump. A sensor is mounted on the external
wall of the house (the wall that is the coldest and subjected to the least
amount of sun). The sensor sends signals to the control unit in the heat
pump. Control with an outdoor sensor means that the heat pump automati-
cally regulates the heating in the house depending on the outdoor tempera-
You determine the temperature of the heating system, in relation to the
outdoor temperature, with the help of a number of settings (curves) stored
in the control unit. The curve indicates the fl ow temperature for heating
water in relation to the outdoor temperature. Selecting a lower curve gives a
lower fl ow temperature and therefore higher energy savings.
Control with an outdoor sensor and a room sensor
Control with an outdoor sensor supplemented with a room sensor
(accessory) means that you also place a sensor in a central position inside
the house. This is connected to the heat pump and provides the control unit
with information about the current room temperature. The signal affects
the heat curve’s fl ow temperature. For example, it falls when the room
sensor shows a higher temperature than the one set.
A room sensor is used when factors other than the outdoor temperature
infl uence the indoor temperature of the house. For example, this can be
when a stove or fan-assisted radiator is used in the house, or if the house is
sensitive to the wind or exposed to direct sunlight.
It is only the room where the room
sensor is located that can infl uence
regulation of the temperature.
Control unit