Tripped motor cut-out fan (Optima1000/1300)
Possible cause 1: Intermittent fault or overloading of the fan motor.
Action: 1. Select Acknowledge.
2. Wait for the heat pump to start.
3. If the fault returns, contact your dealer.
Possible cause 2: Current level (A) on the motor cut-out is set too
Action: 1. Contact your dealer.
Possible cause 3: Contactor or cut-out faulty, or loose electrical con-
nections to the fan motor.
Action: 1. Contact your dealer.
Possible cause 4: Faulty fan motor.
Action: 1. Contact your dealer.
Warning windows
High temperature difference heat transfer fl uid
This warning window is displayed when the temperature difference between
sensors T8 and T9 becomes too high.
Possible cause 1: Not enough fl ow over the heat pump.
Action: 1. Check that the heat carrier pump has not jammed.
2. Check that all the valves are open. In heating systems
with thermostat valves these should be fully open and
in underfl oor heating systems at least half of the coils
should be fully open.
Possible cause 2: Particle fi lter is clogged.
Action: 1. Clean the particle fi lter.
The heat pump is now working at its highest
permitted temperature
There is a sensor T9 in the heat pump, which for reasons of safety, stops the
compressor if the temperature of the return water from the heating system
becomes too high. The limit lies at approximately 59ºC.
Possible cause 1: The heat setting is set so high that the heating
system’s return temperature is too high.
Action: 1. Reduce the heat curve setting.
Possible cause 2: The hot water temperature is set too high.
Action: 1. The warning is given in hot water mode.
Contact the installer to adjust the hot water tempera-
What to do if a fault occurs