
Important information
IVT Optima is a family of heat pumps, that extract energy from outdoor air
to produce water based heating and, if required, hot water for your house.
The family consists of Optima 600, Optima 900, Optima 1100, Optima 1400
and Optima 1700, which cover different levels of output requirement.
Optima can be connected to an existing electric/oil-fi red boiler or to an
electric cassette, which provides a complete heating installation. In this
case, a hot water heater is often connected so that the hot water is also
managed by the installation. The electric/oil-fi red boiler or electric cassette
works as additional heat if the heat pump cannot manage all heating itself,
e.g. if the outdoor temperature is too low.
The heating installation is controlled by a control unit, which is in a
separate control cabinet. The control unit controls and monitors the total
system using different settings for heating, hot water and other operations.
The settings are made by the installer and the user via a control panel.
Optima 600-1100 can also be connected to electric boiler IVT 290 A/W
to provide a complete installation for both heating and hot water as the
electric boiler contains a hot water heater. The electric boiler functions as
additional heat when necessary.
In this case the control unit is located in the electric boiler.
When the heat pump has been installed and started there are a number of
points you should check regularly. This may concern an alarm triggering
or performing basic maintenance actions. Initially you should perform
these actions on your own. This manual describes each step in detail. If the
problem remains you should contact your dealer.
This guide contains a description of Optima, what it consists of, mainte-
nance, settings etc.
For information regarding use of the existing electric/oil-fi red boiler, see
the boiler’s documentation.
Operating instructions for IVT 290 A/W are described in its own guide.
Also read this if you have Optima 600-1100 with 290 A/W.
Important information for the user
It is important as the user that you
read through this guide.
Under no circumstances may you
make settings that are designed for
the installer. This can cause serious
malfunction of the heat pump.
For the user
Only a trained and qualiÞ ed technician may carry out repairs to this machine. Incorrect repairs
can lead to serious risks to the user, and a reduction in savings.
Visits from an authorised Service representative to make corrections or adjustments after such a
repair, cannot in such cases be carried out free of charge, not even during the warranty period.