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Eco Navigation
Automatically sets the TV to the most suitable energy-saving mode.
The concerned items and their current settings are displayed. Select Set to
Eco to set them to the energy-saving settings at once.
Voice Control Settings
Settings for Voice Control function.
Functions Voice Control Preparations
USB Device Setup
Formats the USB HDD or safely removes USB device.
Recording USB HDD setup Setting for USB HDD
Recording Setup
Settings for the recording feature of the USB HDD.
Recording Recording current programme
VIERA Touch Pad Controller
Registers the VIERA Touch Pad Controller (supplied) to this TV.
Only 1 touch pad controller can be registered.
Cursor Settings
Sets for the cursor of the touch pad controller.
Operation Guide
Displays the operation guide of Touch Pad Controller.
Bluetooth Setup
Settings for the specific devices supporting Bluetooth wireless technology
Functions Bluetooth devices Bluetooth Setup
Child Lock
Applies access control for channels or inputs to prevent unwanted access.
Functions Child Lock