PCAN-PC/104 – User Manual
2 Hardware Installation
2.1 Configuring the PCAN-PC/104 Card
Before you install the PCAN-PC/104 card into the computer you may
need to configure it. For each CAN channel an interrupt (IRQ) and an
I/O address range is set for operation in the computer.
At delivery the PCAN-PC/104 card has the following default settings:
CAN Channel IRQ I/O Address Range Remark
1 10 300h – 31Fh
2 5 320h – 33Fh Only at the Dual Channel version
Tip: If the given resources are not firmly occupied by other
devices, you can skip the configuration and directly continue
with the following manual section 2.2.
For a configuration differing from the default settings you need to
set jumpers on the PCAN-PC/104 PCB according to the following
An interrupt (IRQ) must be assigned to each CAN channel. This is
done with a single jumper on jumper field JP1 for CAN channel 1
and jumper field JP2 for CAN channel 2 (latter only with the Dual
Channel version). The PCAN-PC/104 card supports the interrupts 3,
4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, and 15. The default setting at delivery for CAN
channel 1 is interrupt 10, for CAN channel 2 interrupt 5.