
FFrroonntt PPaanneell
((11)) PPoowweerr IInnddiiccaattoorr
The green LED indicates AC power is supplied to the unit‚ the power switch is on and the unit is
functional with no faults. If the amplifier has a thermal fault condition‚ this LED will not
((22)) SSiiggnnaall IInnddiiccaattoorrss
Yellow LEDs indicate signal presence at that specific channel output. Identical on each channel.
((33)) CClliipp ((SSPPSS
)) IInnddiiccaattoorrss
Any time a channel is driven into hard, continuous clipping, the SPS circuit will automatically
reduce the channel gain to a level just slightly into clipping, guarding the speakers against the
damaging high power continuous square waves that may be produced. Situations that may
activate the SPS circuit include uncontrolled feedback, oscillations, or an improper equipment
setting or malfunction upstream from the amplifier. On the ICS
4200, normal program transients
will not trigger SPS; only steady, excessive clipping will. The LEDs will illuminate red when SPS
circuitry is active for each channel amplifier.
((44)) IInnppuutt LLeevveell CCoonnttrroollss
These controls adjust the signal level to the power amplifier inputs. Maximum input sensitivity is
achieved at the fully clockwise setting. These controls are detented to allow the input sensitivity
of the channels to be closely matched. This is essential in the bridged-output mode. See MODE
((55)) AACC PPoowweerr SSwwiittcchh//CCiirrccuuiitt BBrreeaakkeerr
4200 amplifier has a combination AC switch/circuit breaker on the front panel. If the
switch shuts off during normal use, push it back to the ON position once. If it will not stay on, the
amplifier needs servicing.
WWaarrnniinngg:: TThhee ppoowweerr sswwiittcchh ddooeess nnoott bbrreeaakk bbootthh ssiiddeess ooff tthhee lliinnee aanndd uunnddeerr
cceerrttaaiinn ccoonnddiittiioonnss hhaazzaarrddoouuss eenneerrggyy ccaann bbee pprreesseenntt wwhheenn tthhee sswwiittcchh iiss iinn tthhee
OOFFFF ppoossiittiioonn..
((66)) CCoooolliinngg AAiirr VVeenntt
The ICS 4200 is designed to operate under extreme conditions. Part of this design includes the
air vents visible from the front of the unit. These openings should never be blocked.
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