
The output of each module may be assigned to any channel and in any combination of channels. To
assign the output of Module 1 to an amplifier channel(s)‚ simply slide the appropriate switch in the upper
bank of switches to the ON position (right). Likewise‚ to assign the output of Module 2 to an amplifier
channel(s)‚ slide the appropriate switch in the lower bank of switches to the ON position (right).
When selecting these switches‚ caution should be taken to ensure the front panel channel level controls
are fully counter-clockwise or the amplifier is powered off. This will help prevent any damage to the
loudspeaker system if there are high signal levels at the module inputs.
CCaauuttiioonn:: MMMMAA
pplluugg--iinn mmoodduulleess sshhoouulldd nnoott bbee iinnsseerrtteedd oorr rreemmoovveedd wwhhiillee aammpplliiffiieerr iiss
ttuurrnneedd oonn..
AAtttteennuuaattiioonn iinn ddBB
The signal level for each input can be
attenuated by adjusting the 21-detent front
panel level control. The table at right shows
the amount of attenuation in dB for each
NNoottee:: AAtttteennuuaattiioonn aammoouunnttss sshhoowwnn
mmaayy vvaarryy ±±1100%%..
(fully CCW) -85.0
1 -58.0
2 -35.0
3 -26.0
4 -20.0
5 -16.0
6 -13.0
7 -11.5
8 -9.5
9 -8.5
10 -7.0
11 -5.8
12 -4.7
13 -3.9
14 -3.0
15 -2.2
16 -1.4
17 -0.65
18 -0.25
19 -0.03
(fully CW) 0.00
LLeevveell CCoonnttrroollss