
3. Write down the Mac address and Serial No. from the label of the rear panel of DVR.
4. Log on to http://www.ddnscenter.com
5. Input the Mac address (EX. 0002690XXXXX) and Serial No. (EX. 43000700XXX.) in each field. (Note. Input
Serial No. and Mac address without a space.)
6. Create a Domain Name for your DVR system and input it in the field provided. (Note. Input only Domain
Name and never input “ddnscenter.com”.)
7. Click the DUPLICATION CHECK button to see if the domain name is available.
8. If you see the screen “You can use the Domain name you entered”then click RETURN and click
REGISTER button to complete the registration.
9. Install network client software on CD and run it or access www.anytimeview.com.
10. Click CONNECT button.
11. Input the Domain Name that you registered, Port No. (This port must be opened), and Password. And click