RS232 Serial Interface
112 Chapter 10 Peripherals
To connect a COLIN Model BP-8800 Monitor to the M1351A or M1353A:
1. Use the interface cable supplied by the COLIN Corporation with the NIBP Monitor.
2. Connect the 9-pin end of the cable to the fetal monitor.
3. Connect the 15-pin end of the cable to the COLIN.
4. Secure the interface cable by the screws at the cable connectors.
Figure 10-6COLIN Interface Cable
Baudrates The baudrates for each external device must be set as follows:
COLIN BP-8800 Baudrate: 4800
Startbit: 1 Parity: Even
Databits: 8
Stopbits: 1
Cable: Supplied by the COLIN Corporation.
Dinamap 1846/
Baudrate: 600
Startbit: 1 Parity: None
Databits: 8
Stopbits: 1
Cable: M1350-61609 or M1350-61608.
on the FHR
Each time an external device takes the maternal NIBP measurement it is printed on the
trace. When you monitor NIBP, an MHR measurement is printed at the same time as the
NIBP measurement.
If you set the NIBP Monitor to automatic mode, you must leave a minimum time interval
between each measurement to print every value. This time interval depends upon the paper
speed setting.