Entering, Storing, and Transmitting Data
Appendix A Modem Interface Module 161
Keep Patient Data
after Transmission
or When Clearing
Trace Memory
If you use the Monitor regularly for the same patient, you will probably want to retain her
patient identification data, so you do not have to reinput it each time you send a trace. Scan
Keep Patient Data after Transmission once. The monitor will retain the following data, even
after the storage is cleared:
patient identification
patient phone number
receiver phone number
This becomes the default setting and remains unless you subsequently scan Clear Patient
Data after Transmission.
Clear Patient Data
after Transmission
or When Clearing
Trace Memory
If you use the Monitor for many different patients, you will want to clear patient
identification data after each transmission. Scan Clear Patient Data after Transmission once.
When the storage is cleared, the monitor erases:
patient identification
patient phone number
It retains the receiver phone number. This becomes a default setting and remains unless you
subsequently scan Keep Patient Data after Transmission.
To prevent accidental erasure of data, the instruction Clear Memory requires two scans of the
Barcode Reader. To clear all fetal trace data stored in the memory:
1. Scan the barcode Clear Memory.
2. The first scan displays the amount of fetal trace stored (in minutes) in memory.
3. On the second scan, any fetal trace stored in the systems memory is cleared and 0 is
briefly displayed, showing the memory is empty.
The Clear Memory barcode is used to clear any fetal trace stored in memory (use the Stop
Storing barcode if you wish to halt either the storage or transmission of data). If the barcode
Clear Memory is scanned during either the process of storage or transmission, the command
is ignored.
Patient ID and Phone Number are cleared only if your monitor defaults to Clear Patient
Data after Transmission.
Starting Storage To record fetal trace data and store it in memory:
1. When the barcode Start Storing is scanned, 0 is briefly displayed, indicating that the
trace memory is empty.
2. The 0 displayed then clears. The normal transducer display is given and two flashing
decimal dots (three in the case of the Series 50 A Dual Ultrasound model) flash on and
off (2Hz) indicating that storage is taking place.