178 Index
maternal measurements on the FHR
trace, 112
maternal parameters, 107
baudrate settings, 111
NIBP monitors, 111
MECG parameter test, 89
MECG transducer
parts list, 130
specifications, 18
mechanical inspection, 96
contact address, 101
no response 70, 82
transmission 77, 83
Modem initialization, 164
modem interface board, functional
description, 60
Modem Interface Module, 142
modem interface module, 155, 160
barcode reader, 157, 158
displaying memory, 162
fitting, 155
patient ID, 160
peripheral devices, 156
specifications, 16
starting storage, 161
stopping storage, 162
telephone connection, 166
transmitting data, 162
troubleshooting, 165
Modem setup, 164
cancelling, 164
erasing, 165
programming, 165
restoring factory default, 165
storing, 165
accessories, 9
angle mounting, 21
care and cleaning, 95
configuring, 25
configuring options, 27
configuring using a PC, 29
configuring using barcodes, 29
configuring using pushbuttons, 26
dimensions, 13
fitting the paper take-up tray, 23
installation, 21
safety test, 65
specifications, 13
surface mounting, 21
testing, 65
wall mount dimensions, 22
wall mounting, 22
on carts, 24
connecting to the monitor, 108
NIBP monitor
baudrates, 111
connecting, 108
connections, 111
maternal measurements, 112
NST timer options, 27
connecting to the monitor, 108
digital connection, 10
pin connections, 117
connecting to the monitor, 108
pin connections, 117
on/off switch, removing, 144
operating temperatures, 172
Optional accessories, 11
configuration, 27
NST timer, 27
of service tests, 65
product, 4
paper-out alert, 27
sensing test, 94
setting the format, 26
setting the speed, 48
take-up tray, fitting, 23
parameter test, 65, 68
part numbers, modem interface
module, 165
ordering, 119
parts list
Barcode booklets, 10
boards, 120
DECG transducer, 129
digital interface protocol
specifications, 10
documentation, 10
MECG transducer, 130
monitor, 122, 123
part numbers, 10
service documentation, 10
technical data sheets, 10
Toco transducer, 127
ultrasound transducer, 128
video tapes, 10
Patient leakage test, 104
patient modules
specifications, 18, 135
testing, 99
patient safety, 171
PC-based configuration, 29
PCMCIA card modem, 163
performance assurance tests, 65
peripherals, 107
permanent test, 70
phone number
entering patient, 160
receiver, 160
pin connections
barcode reader, 110
OBMS, 117
ODIS, 117
RS232 Serial Interface, 109
telemetry system, 115
power requirements, 13
power supply
board replacing, 140
board, functional description, 55
preventative maintenance, 96
printhead, removing, 151
printing the error log, 38
adjusting the recorder, 34
protective earth, 171
protective earth test, 104
quick test, 65, 66
reading the error log, 37
adjusting, 34
board replacement, 145
interface board, functional
description, 59
paperfeed error 532, 81
paperfeed error 601, 84
removing sensing assembly, 153
setting the heat adjustment, 26
setting the paper speed, 48
setting the print offset, 26
specifications, 15
thermal printhead removing, 151
recorder maintenance, 96
reference documentation, 10
remote event marker
specifications, 16
removing the Modem Interface
Module, 142
parameter test, 68
quick test, 66
safety test, 65
repair strategy, 1
replacement and removal
batteries, 137
chassis, 143
combined interface module, 107, 142
CPU board, 141
display board, 146
drawer assembly, 150
frontend board, 139
fuses, 136
loudspeaker, 148
on/off switch, 144
power supply board, 140
recorder board, 145
recorder sensing assembly, 153
stepper motor, 154
switch board, 147
thermal printhead, 151
Toco transducer, 131
top cover, 138
transformer, 149
ultrasound transducer, 133
environment, 13
equipment type, 172
patient, 171
protective earth, 171
requirements, 171
symbols, 2
safety test, 65