Global Management System User’s Guide
System Information Window - ViewStation
General Tab
This window displays the following System Management information for the selected
Field Description
System Name Name of ViewStation
Host name LAN Host Name
IP Address IP Address of ViewStation
Line Status Displays a row of icons each indicating the state of
an ISDN line or IP connection.
A green arrow pointing up indicates the line is
connected and initialized.
A red arrow pointing down indicates the line could
not be initialized. It may have been disconnected or
is improperly congured. A yellow square indicates
that the ViewStation is attempting to initialize the
A green GK icon indicates that the system is
registered with a gatekeeper.
A yellow GK icon indicates that the system is
attempting to register with a gatekeeper.
A red GK icon indicates that the system has failed in
it’s attempt to register with a gatekeeper.
Call Status For H.323 calls, one green ball represents system
is in a call.
For H.320 calls, each green ball represents an
ISDN channel that is connected during a call.
Software version Version of software installed on ViewStation
Video Number ISDN number of ViewStation
Model ViewStation model
Serial Serial number of ViewStation
Local time The current local time of the ViewStation. In order
for the local time to be correctly expressed.
The time difference must be set in the
ViewStation. Refer to page 67, to learn how
to set ViewStation time.